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Deaf West Theater: Orpheé

Andrew Moore & DJ Kurs

Director of ASL
MARCH 2020

SoCal Honda Helpful Commercial

Behind the scenes

Behind the scene

SoCal Honda Helpful Commercial
ASL Consultant

Nina West: The Drag Alphabet

Nina and two deaf children

Practicing the signs with the talents!

Nina West: The Drag Alphabet

Deaf West Theater: Medusa, Musical Lab at the Getty Villa

Cast & Crew

Director DJ Kurs & myself

Deaf West Theater: Medusa, Musical Lab at the Getty Villa
Director of ASL
ASL Consultant

Deaf Interpreter Professional Training Class

Deaf Interpreters Training Class

Certificate of Attendance & Training Completion

Deaf Interpreter Professional Training Class
JUNE 2019

Deaf Interpreter Conference Group Photo

Deaf Interpreter Conference III

Certificate of Attendance

Deaf Interpreter Conference Group Photo
JUNE 2019

Seabeck DeafBlind Camp Group Photo

Roberto and Me

Seabeck DeafBlind Camp Volunteer Certificate

Seabeck DeafBlind Camp Group Photo

Medical Interpreters in training

Medical Intepreting Workshop

Medical Interpreter Training Online Certificate

Medical Interpreters in training
Medical Interpreter Training
January - May 2020

DBI Group Photo
A group photo with all DeafBlind mentors, coordinators, and participants standing together in front of a water fountain and a big red brick building where the training took place.

DeafBlind Interpreting Institute Logo
Image of D handshape with hand on the D. DeafBlind Interpreting Institute. Below: National Training & Resource Center

Certificate of Completion, Part One: Online

DBI Group Photo
A group photo with all DeafBlind mentors, coordinators, and participants standing together in front of a water fountain and a big red brick building where the training took place.

Emergency Management Interpreter Training ceremony and group photo

Emergency Management Interpreter Training Group

Red Cross Certificate

Emergency Management Interpreter Training ceremony and group photo
deafBlind Interpreting Institute
June 2020 - June 2022
Emergency Management
Interpreter Training
June 2022
Interpretation, translation, and transliteration, what is the difference?Interpretation: the process of changing a message from one language to another, conveying all essential elements of meaning and maintaining dynamic equivalence Translation: changing a message from the frozen form of one language into the frozen for of another language (ex. videotaped translations of textbooks, plays, and poems) Transliteration: the result of taking a source language message, refers to conveying information between a spoken and signed form of English. Source: "So You Want To Be An Interpreter?" Humphrey & Alcorn. 4th Edition.
Deaf Interpreter, Hearing Interpreter, What is the difference?Deaf Interpreter A Deaf person, trained in the art of interpretation, who facilitates communication between a Deaf individual and Hearing Interpreter using: Non-standard ASL A regional dialect Other forms of visual communication Hearing Interpreter A Hearing person interprets information the Deaf Interpreter interprets from the Deaf consumer to the Hearing consumer and signs what the Hearing consumer is saying to the Deaf Interpreter for transmittal to the Deaf consumer.
Why do I need a team of two interpreters?General industry standard on assignments lasting 2 hours or longer in length require 2 interpreters to be hired and work as a team. Both interpreters are actively engaged in the process of interpreting. One will work providing communication, and the other will be monitoring the setting for communication issues, providing cues and support for the working interpreter, and monitoring time for a smooth transition. The reason for the industry standard is to minimize interpreter fatigue. Research shows us the work of understanding one language, analyzing the overt and covert meaning of the language and also the necessary cultural mediation, and then applying the same process to produce an equivalent meaning in a second language, is a very mentally taxing task. After 1 hour of continuous work, the brain becomes fatigued and the quality of the interpretation suffers; errors and omissions rise. For this reason, a team of interpreters are used. A secondary reason for hiring a second interpreter is to reduce the occurrence of Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMI) in interpreters.
Why support Deaf/Hearing Team Interpreters?Deaf consumers are better able to express themselves freely and not be concerned with their English Double-checking system: each party has a chance to double-check their message If there is confusion, the team can work together to better understand the message and provide the best interpretation
How does The Interpreting Process work?Once the Deaf person formulates their message, the Deaf Interpreter interprets the message to the Hearing Interpreter. Then, the Hearing Interpreter interprets the message to the Hearing person. The process is done the same vice versa.
What specialized training and/or experience does a Deaf Interpreter possess?Excellent general communication skills General interpreter training Specialized training and/or experience in use of gesture, mime, props, drawings and other tools to enhance communication Extensive knowledge and understanding of deafness, the Deaf community and/or Deaf culture Expertise in routine and uniquely difficult interpreting situations
Who needs a Deaf Interpreter?Deaf people who use signs particular to a given region, ethnic, or age group Deaf people who use idiosyncratic non-standard signs or gestures such as those commonly referred to as "Home signs" which are unique to a family Deaf people who have been socially isolated (i.e. people from rural areas; patients in mental health facilities; inmates in correctional facilities) A Deaf person who is seriously ill, injured or dying (the inability to produce signs clearly or use both arms when signing may be affected) A Deaf person with learning and language challenge(s) or is a-lingual Deaf children who have had little or no exposure to English and/or ASL DeafBlind Individuals or Deaf with limited vision Deaf Immigrants or Expats using International and/or Foreign Signs
How does a Deaf Interpreter work with DeafBlind individuals?The Deaf Interpreter works with DeafBlind individuals who "undertake specialized training to effectively accommodate low vision and blindness." The interpreter receives a speaker's message visually, then "modifies the signing space and distance from the DeafBlind consumer, and may incorporate subtle grammatical markers ordinarily visible on the face into signing received tactically." The Deaf Interpreter relays the message to the DeafBlind individual through the sense of touch - ProTactile or tactile, or at close visual range. Also known as DeafBlind or ProTactile Interpreters. *DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center
What situations would a Deaf Interpreter be needed?ProTactile Interpreting or Close Vision interpreting for DeafBlind or Deaf with limited vision Communication issues caused by illness or injury Characteristics reflective of Deaf culture not familiar to hearing interpreters In court, where a person could be wrongly convicted Working with law enforcement or emergency medical professionals when interviewing victims, witnesses, or suspects who are Deaf In medical or mental health settings, where clear and accurate communication assists professionals in determining diagnosis, medication, or other interventions Press conferences
What are the benefits of using a Deaf Interpreter?Optimal understanding by all parties Efficient use of time and resources Clarification of linguistic and/or cultural confusion and misunderstanding(s) Arrival at a clear conclusion in the interpreting situation
Tips when communicating with a Deaf person:If you are a hearing person involved in a conversation being interpreted by a Deaf and a hearing interpreter, simply communicate as you would with a hearing person. Maintain eye contact with the deaf person, not with the interpreters You don’t need to address the interpreters at all Allow more time for the interpreting process Moderate the pace of your speech Change seating or standing arrangements as demonstrated below: If necessary, the interpreters will advise all participants on how best to work with the team.
Does a Deaf Interpreter mean an Interpreter for the Deaf?No, this is a common confusion. There are two different interpreters: Deaf and Hearing. Rather, a Deaf Interpreter can be considered a linguist specialist.
Is providing Protected Health Information (PHI) to an interpreter a HIPAA violation?No. HIPAA has a provision for interpreters to receive Protected Health Information (PHI) as a business associate. Sharing information with an interpreter is not a violation of HIPAA.
Am I legally required to hire an interpreter?The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that any place of business (regardless of profit or non-profit status) cannot discriminate against any individual by denying them unequal access to the services or events. In many instances for Deaf, hard of hearing and Deaf-Blind community members, this means the business must hire a sign language interpreter at their own expense to provide equal access to communication. There are some exemptions. I recommend you consult a legal professional for additional information.
Are interpreting services tax deductible?Yes. There are some tax benefits for businesses that hire interpreters. Please consult your tax professional for details.
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